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This section contains the Dialogs encountered when working with XF Designer 2013.


Details of how and when each one of them can be used, notes and important considerations are described in this section.

About XF Designer

Add Document

Add/Edit Page Set

Add/Edit Style

Add/Edit Formatting Condition

Advanced Printing

Assign XML/Stylesheet


Borders and Background

Cell Margins

Change/New Stylesheet

Building Blocks Folder

Conditional Formatting

Conditional Values

Create New Document

Digital Signature

Document Conformance

Document Information

Document Protection

Edit Axis

Edit Expression

Edit Form Control

Edit Media Parameter

Edit Node

Edit Parameter

Edit Sort Conditions



Format Field

Global XSLT Code

Go To

Group By

Insert  XSLT Code

Insert 3D Object

Insert AutoText

Insert Barcode

Insert Break

Insert Chart Wizard

Insert Conditional Section

Insert Date and Time

Insert Hyperlink

Insert Image

Insert Map

Insert Media Object

Insert Page Numbers

Insert Table


Insert Building Block

Manage Scripts

Manage Styles

Manage Translations

Manage Transpromo Objects

New Translation


Page Layout

Page Layout Name



Printing Properties

Property Value

Set Data Source

Set Encoding

Set Language

XF Template Wizard

XSL-FO Template Wizard