Add/Edit Page Set

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Overview: Use these dialogs in order to bring modifications to pagination features from the Pagination Dialog Bar.


Accessing: The Add/Edit Page Set dialogs can be accessed from the Pagination Dialog Bar.


If the Pagination Dialog Bar is hidden, the Pagination checkbox under the View tab in the Show/Hide group must be selected or "CTRL+2" keys pressed.


The dialogs described below are:

1. Add Page Set

2. Add Dynamic Page Set

3. Edit Page Set

4. Rename Page Set



1. Add Page Set:

Page sets allow users to created multiple pages with different designs and dependencies.


To display the Add Page Set dialog, the user must right click on the bold Pages heading, then select Add Page Set.





In the Add Page Set dialog box, after the Add button is selected, the Change Page Layout dialog box will then be displayed.





The desired Page Layout can be selected from the Available Page Layouts list.
The desired Occurrence can be chosen by clicking on All Pages, One time only, Multiple times, or Conditional.


NOTE: The Change Page Layout Dialog is used to specify the terms of occurrence applicable to a page set. Here, a page layout can be set to appear for All Pages, One Time Only or Multiple Times, as well as having a Condition for type specified from one of the following: All Other Pages (Rest), First Page Only, Last Page Only, Odd Pages, Even Pages, Blank Pages and Non Blank Pages.





2. Add Dynamic Page Set:

A dynamic page set allows a user to add pages to the document that are dependent upon data specified in the data source.  These pages can be set to follow conditions, repeat as specified, and sorted based on the appropriate data.


To display the Add Dynamic Page Set dialog, the user must right click on the bold Pages heading and select Add Dynamic Page Set.




After the Add button has been accessed, a Page Layout can be selected from the displayed list (instructions above for Change Page Layout Dialog).
The Dynamic Page Set options must be specified.



A data source must be assigned prior to exploring these options.


Condition: use this option for applying different conditions for displaying Dynamic Page Sets.




Repeat - specifies a repeating condition for the dynamic page set.  For example, XF Designer can create only pages for those records containing a country value of "USA".  This would be completed by inserting the following XPath syntax into the repeating section, or by using the Edit Expression dialog.


Sort - specifies a sort criteria when repeating pages.  This function allows the sorting of pages based on dynamic data.


Select the arrow at the right of the Sort field.  The Edit Sort Conditions dialog appears.
Select Add. The Edit Expression dialog appears.
Select the desired sort field from the xml data source.
Apply appropriate conditions on the right side of the Edit Sort Conditions dialog (Data Type, Sort Order, and Case Order).
Select OK.




Parent Set - specifies the parent page set. A dynamic page set which has a specified parent set will be repeated every time the parent set is repeated.

Below, there is an example on how to use the Parent Set option:


The following .xml file will be used


Firstly, a Dynamic Page set must be inserted





Then, the Dynamic Page Set that will have as parent the first page set must be added to the document




In Design View the pages will look like pictured in the screenshot below




In Print Layout view mode, the child page set is repeated each time the parent set is repeated





3. Edit Page Set

A page set can be modified to apply different page layouts depending on the user's desire for layout and presentation.


Firstly, the user must right click on a page set and select Properties.
The user can select the Page Layout for removal or Add to choose from a list of previously designed Page Layouts (Add Page Set instructions above).
To apply the changes for the selected layout, the OK button must be pressed




4. Rename Page Set

Used to easily rename the desired page set.


To rename a Page Set the user must right click on the desired set and select Rename.
Then, the new name desired for the Page Set must be typed in.







NOTE: More information can be found in the Pagination section.