Edit Sort Conditions

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Overview: This dialog can be used for sorting the repeating elements in the XF Template Document.



There are more options to display the dialog:

The user can right-click on one of the following itemS from the Navigation Bar: xfd: table-row-repeat for a repeating table element or xfd: block-repeat for a repeating section element and choose Edit Repeating Row Sort, respectively Edit Section Sort.

The user can, as well, select the Sort button located in the Data group under the Home tab.




To display the Edit Expression dialog, the Add button must be selected.



The sort criterion may be an attribute of the XML tree, which can be inserted by double-clicking on it or it may be an expression edited using Functions, Operators and Constants.


If more conditions are set, they can be reordered by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

To delete a condition, it must firstly be selected and then the Remove button must be pressed.

The Edit button can be used for modifying a certain condition.