View Options

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There are several important view options to understand when working in the Publisher. All of these options are accessible by simply selecting the View Tab located in the Ribbon. To learn more about these available view options, use the provided links below.


Document Views - Learn about the three main document views in the Publisher.

Pagination Pane - Learn about using the Pagination Pane to have single access to all pagination edits.

Properties Pane - Learn about using the Properties Pane to make adjustments to properties for all objects in your document template.

Data Source - Learn about how to toggle the Data Source Pane on or off for data usage and review.

Rulers - Learn how to use rulers to align content on the page and more.

Gridlines - Learn how gridlines can be used for visual reference or turned off for a more user friendly experience.

Navigation Pane - Learn how the Navigation Pane can be used for visual and functional reference to dynamic information in your document template.