Ecrion Design Studio Publisher Help Index

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Welcome to Ecrion Design Studio Publisher!

Insight. Predictions. Delivered.


This document is updated for build version 7.0.0 and newer.


What's New?

In April 2016 Ecrion released a new version of the Ecrion Design Studio Publisher. Below you will find links to the new topics for this build.

Web View
Navigation Pane
Dynamically Assign Stylesheets
Adding Stylesheets for Different Devices
Responsive Documents

About the Publisher

Ecrion Design Studio Publisher is a visual design tool used for creating document templates. Powerful business communications are driven by structured data, yet the appearance, content (static or dynamic), and layout of these documents can be easily designed using the Publisher. This tool empowers businesses to design powerful and vibrant outputs for any need. The Publisher is part of the Ecrion Design Studio suite, a complete platform that manages every aspect involved in delivering Customer Communications and Business Intelligence, starting with data retrieval and transformation and ending with print-ready, enterprise level reporting.

Let's get started!

This Help Manual explains the various features of the Publisher and it is structured as follows:


Getting Started - This section describes how to begin using Ecrion Publisher to build your first templates.

Using the Ecrion Publisher - This section contains in depth information about the product and all the features that are available.


Make sure to visit the Getting Started section, which contains information about Installing Publisher, system requirements, as well as a comprehensive list of used terminology.

We are here to help

Don't hesitate to contact the Ecrion Support Team at any point while using the software. You will find that our friendly support team is here to provide helpful advice and to support you during evaluation or usage of our software.