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Subdocuments are a powerful way to improve efficiency and consistency across your document templates. For any of your designed content, you can preserve your work in a Subdocument. By doing so, you can then insert these Subdocuments into other templates. This means that you do not have to recreate the section of content that you had already created, but perhaps more importantly, when you need to change something within that section of content you will only need to change in one location and consequentially all of your templates using this Subdocument are updated. To learn more about using Subdocuments use the helpful links provided below.


How to Create a Subdocument - Learn how to create a Subdocument from the content that you have already generated.

Inserting a Subdocument - Learn how to include previously designed Subdocuments into your document templates.

Subdocument Options - Learn about the different options available to you once a Subdocument is present in your document template.

Using Parameters in Subdocuments - Learn how a Subdocument can accept a parameter passed to it at runtime and how to set this up.

Global Templates - Learn how to use Subdocuments to replace fields in your template dynamically.