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A Page Layout is an important component of your design that involves arranging content on the page in the output. While most of your design will reside in the Body Region of the document, a Page Layout is used to specify overall layout concepts like:


- How large will the header be?

- What page dimensions will the output document posses?

- Will the page orientation be portrait or landscape?

- How do I add content in the header, footer, left, or right regions?

- And much more...


You can think of layouts as controlling the overall structure of the content that you are creating, and furthermore, layouts can actually be dynamically applied to some Page Sets so you can, for example, have a header on the first page and an entirely different header present for the rest of your document. In this section, you will learn all of the important information about working with Layouts when designing your document templates.


Creating a New Layout - Learn the simple steps to create a new layout for your document template.

Editing an Existing Layout - Learn how to make modifications to your existing layouts.

Adding Content to Side Regions - Learn how to make adjustments to your layout's headers, footers, left, and right regions.