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Unlike designing a document in a normal text editor, the Publisher is set up to allow you to create complex documents in a professional publishing tool. This includes creating documents with varied headers and footers applied to different pages, showing entire sections of the document depending upon the data source, dynamically changing the orientation from landscape to portrait, and much more.


Pagination addresses the concepts of breaking down your document into many sections (or Page Sets) and creating different layouts with side region content and formatting to create complex variations in outputs.


You will need to understand first how to create different Layouts to control the way your content is presented in the output, and then learn how to apply those layouts to different page sets which can even be dynamic in nature. It is our recommendation to visually break down your desired output considering differences in headers and footers, left and right side regions, varied content, and more to determine how many layouts and page sets you will need before you even begin adding content.


Pagination is an important first step consideration when beginning your document design, and you can learn much more about its usage in the Publisher in this section of the documentation. Use the links below to explore setting up both Layouts and Page Sets in the Publisher, and how to apply them in your document to create professional outputs.


Layouts - Learn how to create, add content to, and edit Layouts in the Publisher.

Page Sets - Learn how to create static and dynamic page sets, apply layouts, and edit page sets.