Applying Auto Formatting

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A selection of previously designed formats are available for you to choose from after inserting a table into your Document Template. To apply an auto format, follow the instructions below.


1. Place your cursor anywhere inside of the table you wish to apply formatting to.



Figure 1: The cursor is placed inside of a table to apply formatting to.


2. In the Ribbon, locate the Design Tab, and reference the Auto Format Group.



Figure 2: The Auto Format Group provides auto format options for quick formatting.


3. Simply select the Auto Format that you wish to apply to your table. You will notice in the Design Surface that the format is applied to your table.



Figure 3: The auto format is applied to the table in the Design Surface.


Important Note

If you apply an auto format and notice that the formatting does not match up with the preview image, this is normally caused by a lack of header and footer being present in the table. Auto format options depend on headers and footers in many cases and will apply formatting to those objects when applied. If they are not present, you can learn more about adding them by visiting Adding and Headers and Footers After Creating.