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When having trouble with a document, the first thing that the user must make sure is that the service is started.

Secondly, the log must be enabled and the documents rendered again.

After consulting the log files, the user must return to this page and see if the error encountered is listed below or check the How to Get Help section.


The user must be aware that in order to process documents at high speed, a set of minimal requirements must be followed.


If the user is unable to determine the cause, the files, a short description of the problem, the log file and all the external files referenced in the document must be sent to


Common encountered error messages

The most common errors are strict validation errors. Below is a list of all of the messages and why they might be encountered:


Cannot find element fo:layout-master-set.

Expected fo:page-sequence.

Unexpected content in fo:page-sequence. Expected fo:static-content or fo:flow.

fo:flow element was expected.

Unexpected xf:afp-nop element.

One or more fo:table-column elements are expected.

fo:table-body element was expected.

Unexpected table content.

fo:table-column must have an explicit width.

Unexpected list-block content.

Unexpected list-item content.

This object does not support the function requested function-name().

Using table layout auto for large tables will lead to a big performance penalty. Try using fixed layout instead. Similar warnings will be suppressed.





Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): Cannot find element fo:layout-master-set.



Under strict validation rules, the engine will search for the layout master set before processing any page sequences. If the first page sequence is encountered before the layout master set, the engine will stop rendering the document.




Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): Expected fo:page-sequence.



Under strict validation rules, after processing the layout master set and bookmark tree, the engine will expect all elements afterwards to be page sequences. If a foreign element is encountered, the engine will stop rendering the document.




Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): Unexpected content in fo:page-sequence. Expected fo:static-content or fo:flow.



Under strict validation rules, after processing at least one static content, the engine will expect either another static content or a flow element, otherwise it will abort rendering the document.




Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): fo:flow element was expected.



Under strict validation rules, all page sequences must define static contents in advance. This is because in order to render the flows, the engine needs to preprocess all static contents to display their content on every page. Thus, after processing at least one flow, the engine will not expect to find any static contents or other elements except flows, otherwise processing will halt.




Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): Unexpected xf:afp-nop element.



Under strict validation rules, afp-nop elements must be put at the beginning of the page sequence, before the static contents. Otherwise, the engine will stop processing the document.




Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): One or more fo:table-column elements are expected.



Under strict validation rules, all tables with fixed layout must explicitly define their columns. If table columns are not defines, the engine will have to load the entire table in memory in order to determine the correct layout and this will lead to a performance penalty.




Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): fo:table-body element was expected.



Under strict validation rules, all tables must define headers and footers in advance. If the table body is not encountered immediately after the header and footer, the engine will stop rendering the document.



Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): Unexpected table content.


Under strict validation rules, the engine will abort rendering a document if a table element includes foreign elements besides headers, footers or table body. Also, there is a limitation of one table-body per table.



Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): fo:table-column must have an explicit width.


Under strict validation rules, table columns for tables with fixed layout need to have an explicit width. If the width is not defined, the engine will be forced to load the entire table in memory in order to determine the correct layout, leading to a performance penalty.



Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): Unexpected list-block content.


Under strict validation rules, list blocks can only contain list item elements. The encounter of any other element will determine the engine to abort processing the document.



Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): Unexpected list-item content.


Under strict validation rules, list items can only include one list item label and one list item body, regardless of the order. The engine will abort rendering the document if other content is encountered.



Strict validation error (line:10, col:20): This object does not support the function requested function-name().


For lists, indentation can be given by special functions specific to list items. These functions are "label-end()" and "body-start()". Any other function is not supported and will cause the engine to stop rendering the document.



Using table layout auto for large tables will lead to a big performance penalty. Try using fixed layout instead. (line:10, col:20). Similar warnings will be suppressed.


This warning is issued when a table with automatic layout is encountered. Processing these tables leads to a big performance penalty, as the table needs to be loaded into memory and all its content has to be processed once before doing the actual layout in order to compute column widths. This kind of layout is not recommended for tables with many records, but rather should be used for very small ones (or better yet not at all). The warning will only be issued once per document. To learn more about fixed and automatic layouts, please read the Prerequisites for High Performance section.