Dynamic Sections

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Dynamic Sections are very important elements used when designing your Document Templates.  These elements can be used to insert in line text or entire paragraphs to repeat for repeating elements in your data. They can also be used to conditionally include paragraphs or in line texts based upon test conditions on your data.  These elements are incredibly useful for creating intelligent documents that are populated from your data source and dynamically building your document content based upon the data source.  Below are the options you will have to choose from when working with Dynamic Sections.


Repeating Text - Insert a repeating text section in line based upon a repeating element in your data source.

Repeating Paragraph - Insert a repeating paragraph based upon a repeating element in your data source.

Conditional Paragraph - Insert a paragraph to be displayed based upon a condition testing your data source.

Conditional Text -  Insert an in line text section based upon a condition testing your data source.