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This element can be a "child" of xfj:document and xfj:overlay elements. It is recommended for the user to first get more information about the "parent" elements before applying this attribute.


The xfj:external-content element points to the actual document included via xfj:document or xfj:overlay.


The following attribute can be applied to the element:

src - specifies the document's source. It supports a file URL (local or remote), a HTTP address or a Base64 blob. Also, it is allowed for the url(...) wrapper to be omitted and just the following string to be inserted: src="file_url".



The file_url must be accessible for XF Rendering Server 2013. For example, a relative/absolute file path on the server or a HTTP address are valid values. The Base64 bytes of the actual file can also be included, provided that the correct syntax is used. In this case, the file_url should be of the following form:


