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The xfj:document element can be used as follows:



<xfj:document id="document_id" title="document_title" exclude-from-page-count="true | false">

       <xfj:external-content src="url(file_url)"/>

       <!-- a required xfj:input-xml element (XFD or XSLT documents only) -->

       <!-- an optional xfj:transform element -->

       <!-- an optional xfj:apply-local-template element (XML documents only) -->

       <!-- an optional xfj:apply-server-template element (XML documents only) -->




The following attributes can be applied to the element:


id – a string, optional, but needed if the user must identify documents for positioning overlays or for assembling a table of contents using the job-info() element
title – a string, optional, but needed for assembling a table of contents using the job-info() element
exclude-from-page-count – true or false. This attribute excludes the document from page numbering and total page count.


See also:
