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The xfj:overlay elements are one-page documents which are rendered over the resulting pages which match the rules specified in the overlay element.



<xfj:overlay id="overlay_id" z-index="integer_number">

       <!-- xfj:document elements: external-content, input-xml, transform -->


               <!-- one more xfj:match elements -->





The following attributes can be applied to this element:


z-index - controls the layering, higher valued elements rendering on top of lower valued elements.


Overlays support all the child elements supported by xfj:document, plus the xfj:apply-rules which selects which pages of which documents will have this overlay applied to and which will be skipped.



If a DAL Job having an overlay contains Java scripts, the $mergedPageCount parameter is used to retrieve the number of pages of the document.


For more information, the xfj:document page is available.