Data Source Tree

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Overview: This option can be used for displaying a dialog bar containing the XML tree.

Accessing: To display the Data Source Tree, one of the following methods can be used:

select the Data Source Tree button located in the Show/Hide group under the View tab
press CTRL + 1





IMPORTANT: This configuration is instrumental in the creation of an XF Template document. To expand the XML configuration the image011 button can be used and the drag-and-drop action to insert a field, a HTML field, a repeating section, repeating table or an inline repeat.


The options regarding the Data Source Tree the icons located at the top of the window can be used:

source_document02       Assign XML - opens an existing XML file.

source_document03     Refresh - navigates to the root node and refreshes the data source if it was edited while assigned to a document.

image004     Edit Data Source - opens the XML tree in XF Designer in a new window for editing.

image005       Save - saves the changes made in Design View to the data source file.

      Filter - searches for a word or phrase and displays only the nodes containing the text in question.


In the following example are displayed the nodes containing the word "columbia".




Editing the Data Source Tree


Right clicking on any node will display the following options:


Add Element...
Add Attribute...
Copy XPath


The Edit option will pop up the Edit Node dialog.

The Add Element... will pop up the Insert Element dialog.

The Add Attribute... will pop up the Insert Attribute dialog.