Overview: The Properties dialog allows editing the elements in the Output.
Accessing: Right clicking on the respective element and selecting the Properties option.
1. Xml Output Properties
The user can edit the Name, Namespace Prefix and Namespace URI for each element and attribute through this interface.
To map a field to a text string inside an XML element rather than a single attribute, the characters "text()" must be entered in the Name box.
2. Excel Output Properties
Workseet Properties:
This dialog allows the user to edit the Worksheet's name.
Row Properties:
This dialog allows the user to edit the starting row index for the output Excel spreadsheet.
Cell Properties:
This dialog allows the user to edit the starting cell index, data type and formulae.
Formulae use Excel specific syntax. For example, CONCATENATE(RC[-1], RC[-2]) will concatenate the previous 2 cells in the same row.
3. Database Output Properties
Database Properties:
• | Choose Connection - the drop-down list associated to this field allows selecting the connection from where the data source will be retrieved. |
• | Command Separator - the syntax that will split between commands in case of multiple SQL statements. |
• | Pre-processing SQL Query - the SQL Query to be executed before the processing of data |
• | Post-processing SQL Query - the SQL Query to be executed after the data has been processed |
Schema Properties:
This dialog allows the user to edit the Schema's name.
Table Properties:
• | Name - this field is used for specifying the table's name |
• | Command Type - the user can choose to either update an existing table or insert a new one |
• | Columns - the table columns must be defined by the user and can be modified by double clicking them. The name, data type and Primary Key constraint, for each column, can be modified. Also, this dialog offers the user the options to Add, Delete or Move Up/Down the table columns. |