Testing Your Translation Outputs

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To test the impact of your configured translations use the following instructions.


1. Test your normal default output by previewing either in an output format or directly in the Publisher.



Figure 1: The template content as seen in Design Surface.


Figure 2: The output in Print View shows populated data and normal translation in English.


2. Next, select the Review Tab in the Ribbon and choose Manage Translations. This will launch the Translations Pane.


3. Simply select from your available translations in the Active Translation drop down menu to change the current active translation for testing.



Figure 3: The Spanish translation is set as the active translation.


4. Lastly, preview your output either in an specific output type in the Ribbon or by accessing Print View. You should notice the output will apply the active translation and your static text will be translated as your translation file determines.



Figure 4: The static text is translated using the Spanish translation applied.