Document Guided Tour

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When creating a Smart Document output, you can add a Guided Tour to assist your customers to easily understand what specific sections mean or giving necessary information.


Configure Guided Tour

You are able to use the Configure Guided Tour button to add new steps, as well as configure additional information. The steps below will highlight how to configure the additional information.


1. Select the Configure Guided Tour button from Review tab in the Ribbon.


2. Give the Tour a title.


3. Add a description for the tour. This will be shown in the rendered document when the tour icon is selected.


4. You can adjust the order of the steps that have been added by selecting the up or down arrows. You can also remove individual steps, or all of them.


5. Once you have made all necessary configuration, select Apply.


Add Individual Steps

1. Select the template element you would like to add a description to. You may need to use the navigation bar in the Properties Pane to select the specific target element.


2. Select the Add Tour Step button from the Review tab in the Ribbon.


3. From the Configure Guided Tour dialog add the description you would like for the selected element.


4. Once you have completed the description, select Apply.


Previewing the Document

After you have added the steps to the guided tour you may with to preview the document to ensure that the steps have been set up correctly.


1. Navigate to the Home tab in the Ribbon.


2. In the Export group select the bottom button of the Preview and select the HTML5 option.


3. A browser window will launch with the rendered document.


4. Select the Tour icon to start the tour and ensure the steps are in the correct place and order.