Display Options

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There are two display options available when working with Subdocuments. You can choose from viewing a preview image of your Subdocument or simply displaying as an icon indicating that this is a Subdocument. Additionally, you can resize them in the Design Surface for easier visual design in your document template. Use the steps below to modify display options as well as resize your Subdocument.


1. By default the image preview of the Subdocument will be used. Right click on the Subdocument in the Design Surface.


2. From the resulting contextual menu, select Show as Icon.



Figure 1: The Show as Icon option as available through right clicking on the Subdocument.


3. Notice that your Subdocument is now displayed as an icon.



Figure 2: The Subdocument is now displayed only as an icon.


4. You can resize the Subdocument in either view by simply clicking and dragging the selector at the bottom of the Subdocument. This is only for design purposes and will have no impact on the actual output space consumed by the Subdocument.



Figure 3: The Subdocument icon image is resized.


5. You can change the display back to an image preview of the Subdocument by right clicking again on the Subdocument and selecting the Show as Icon option to disable. The preview image will now be restored. If you have resized your Subdocument remember that not all of the preview image content may be shown.



Figure 4: The Subdocument is changed back to show the content preview.