Dynamic Content

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When designing your templates, you can think about the content in your document as being either static or dynamic. Dynamic Content is information that will be displayed in your document that will come directly from your data source and will change with the different data sources that the template is used with. Take, for example, an account number displayed for an invoice at the top of the page. For every customer invoice produced, this account number will need to come directly from the data source so each invoice is unique for each customer. Static content is information in the document that will not change. For example, your company's address and contact information.


When inserting Dynamic Content, usually you can add individual values, data in a repeating format from your data source or data based on a condition. This section will help you understand the different ways that you can accomplish these objectives.


How to Insert Individual Data Points - Learn how to create Fields in your template which will be populated with your data.

How to Add Repeating Content From Your Data - Learn about the options available to you to display repeating content.

How to Add Conditional Content based on Your Data - Learn about the options available to you to display conditional content.