Installing the XF Web Service

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The XF Web Service runs on both Windows and Linux. The requirements for each platform are described below:

System Requirements


  • Windows XP Service Pack 6 or later including Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Linux (Redhat, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, etc).
  • Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Apache Tomcat 5.0 or later
  • .NET Framework 2.0
  • Java 6 or later




    To install the web service, the user must double-click on the setup file (for example XFWS-7.0.0-3322.exe). The setup will prompt the user to select an IIS web site and a virtual directory:



    Selecting the web site and the virtual directory during installation


    It is important to remember these settings because they determine the URL that will be used to access the web service, as described in the next section.


    Fedora/Suse/CentOS Linux


    To install the XF Web Service on all RPM distributions the following command line must be run:

           rpm -i XFWS-7.0.0-3322.noarch.rpm



    Ubuntu/Debian Linux


    To install the XF Web Service on all DEB distributions the following command line must be run:

           dpkg -i XFWS-7.0.0-3322.all.deb



    Accessing the Web Service

    Assuming that the default settings are used, the web service is accessible from the following URL: http://localhost/XFWS/ecrion/services/xfws.asmx

    If either the virtual directory or the web site are changed, the user will need to update this URL accordingly.


    For testing purposes a generic utility called WSRender, that can be used to send SOAP requests to the XF Web Service, has been included.



           WSRender http://localhost/XFWS/ecrion/services/xfws.asmx ..\Samples\HelloWorld.soap ..\Samples\HelloWorld.pdf



    This tool can be found under the installation folder, usually C:\Program Files\Ecrion\XF Web Service\Tools

    For testing purposes, on Windows, SoapUI (a free utility that can send SOAP requests to a remote web service) can be used.


    Also, for testing purposes, several SOAP sample requests have been included after installing XF Web Service. These can be found under the following folder: C:\Program Files\Ecrion\XF Web Service\Samples


    WSDL Reference

    The user can obtain the Web Service's WSDL by accessing http://localhost/XFWS/ecrion/services/xfws.asmx?WSDL