Side by Side Functionality

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Starting with version 7.5.0, XF Rendering Server fully supports side by side installation.


1. Installation:

All versions inferior to XF Rendering Server v7.5.0 will not be side by side compatible.

The way this feature functions is by assigning roles to the different versions of the software. These are: "Dispatcher" and "Worker".



·Side by Side is also available for 32 and 64 bit XF Rendering Server combinations.



2. Role Assignment:

The role of Dispatcher will always be assigned to the highest version of the rendering server installed. All other inferior versions will automatically be assigned as Workers.

In the event of installing a lower server version alongside an already installed, higher one, the former will automatically be assigned the role of Worker.


Installing a higher server version alongside an already installed, lower version, will:

       1. Halt the service of the already present rendering server;

       2. Allow the higher version to install itself and assume the role of Dispatcher;

       3. Restart the lower version service assigning it the role of Worker.


Uninstalling a higher version that functions side by side with a lower one will:

       1. Uninstall the higher version;

       2. Halt the service of the lower one;

       3. Restart the former whilst assuming the role of Dispatcher.        


The Dispatcher:

The Dispatcher functions as a request dealing hub for other versions of the rendering server that are assigned as Workers.

A server with the assigned role of Dispatcher will never process requests itself unless manually specified.


The Worker:

The Worker functions as a server request receiver and renderer for the Dispatcher

Version 7.5.0 rendering servers will always listen on port "60000" for rendering requests. As new versions appear the listening port will increment by "1"

Example: Version 7.5.1 will listen on port "60001".


3. Manual Server Version Specification:

Manually specifying the server version that will handle rendering requests can be done in two ways:

1. Specifying the Command Center Server Version parameter from the Ultrascale Server Configuration dialog. This can be accessed via File tab, Options then selecting the Configure button in the Configure XF Rendering Server Settings section. The accepted values for this field are X.X.X, where X stands for the version number itself.

2. Specifying the serverVersion parameter from the command line. For more command line parameter information the Command Line Tools page is available.



·Information about how to configure the Worker and Dispatcher from the Management Console can be found on the Dispatcher/Worker Configuration page.


4. Using the servers via Command Line Tools

When using the Command Line Tools (Render, URender, JURender, ULoad) from the installation folder corresponding to a certain version ("C:\Program Files\Ecrion\XF Ultrascale 2013 vX.X.X\Bin", where X.X.X stands for the version number), that particular version will be used regardless if it has assigned the role of Dispatcher or Worker. This way, the desired version's tools can be quickly accessed via Command Line.

This option is supported starting with version 8.0.0 of XF Rendering Server.