How to configure Hot Folders on Linux

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Hot Folders permit the user to run the Ecrion Services in an automated fashion, simplifying the addition and rendering process of files and folders.


Hot Folders are also available on Linux. A sample is included and the steps below must be followed to enable it:


1. nano /opt/Ecrion/Common/Ecrion/XFHotFolders.config must be run. Any text editor can be used to edit the config.

2. The a:hotfolder element must be identified and the enabled attribute must be set to “true”.

3. The server must be restarted using the: /etc/init.d/ultrascaled restart command.


Alternatively, the code below can be copied and pasted into the "/opt/Ecrion/Common/Ecrion/XFHotFolders.config" file:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<a:automation xmlns:a="">

       <a:hot-folder enabled="true" pattern="*.fo" input-folder="/opt/Ecrion/XFUltrascale/XML Samples/XSL-FO Test Suite/">

               <task:root xmlns:task="">

                       <task:global output-folder="/tmp/">

                               <task:xf-parameters output-format="1"/>







Once enabled, this example of Hot Folder will render all .fo files from /opt/Ecrion/XFUltrascale/XML Samples/XSL-FO Test Suite/ to PDF and the output will be found in /tmp/.