.NET Example: Accessing the XF Web Service

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This tutorial offers a .NET example on how XF Web Service can be accessed.


1. A new Console Application Project must be created in Visual Studio 2010. Any name can be set. For example, "ConsoleApplication1". .NET Framework 4 must be selected before continuing.




2. In Solution Explorer, "ConsoleApplication1" must be right-clicked and Add Reference selected.




3. In the Add Reference dialog-box, the .NET tab located at the left must be selected and the System.ServiceModel chosen




4. In Solution Explorer, "ConsoleApplication1" must be right-clicked and Add Service Reference selected.




5. In the Add Service Reference dialog-box, the address can be set to http://localhost/XFWS/ecrion/services/xfws.asmx or an url pointing to any other valid web service. The namespace must be set to “localhost”.




6. Now, the project will look like the following in Solution Explorer:




7. "Program.cs" must be opened and all the existing code lines must be replaced by the following:



using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.IO;

using System.ServiceModel;

using ConsoleApplication1.localhost;


namespace ConsoleApplication1


   class Program


       static void Main(string[] args)


           String inputFilePath = @"test.fo";

           String outputFilePath = @"output.pdf";




               // Read the XSL-FO file content

               string xslfoContent = null;

               using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(inputFilePath))

                   xslfoContent = reader.ReadToEnd();


               // Initialize data source

               XmlDataSource inputDataSource = new XmlDataSource();


               // Set input content; the value can be a string or a byte array

               inputDataSource.Content = xslfoContent;


               // Set input format

               inputDataSource.Format = InputFormat.XSLFO;


               // Create parameters for the rendering operation.

               RenderingParameters renderingParameters = new RenderingParameters();


               // Set output format

               renderingParameters.OutputFormat = OutputFormat.PDF;


               // Initialize web service client

               EndpointAddress serviceAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/XFWS/ecrion/services/xfws.asmx");

               xfwsSoapClient webServiceEndpoint = new xfwsSoapClient(new BasicHttpBinding(), serviceAddress);


               // Creates print ready documents using Ecrion XF Web Service

               byte[] outputBytes = webServiceEndpoint.Render(inputDataSource, renderingParameters);


               // Write the output bytes

               using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))


                   fs.Write(outputBytes, 0, (int)outputBytes.Length);



               Console.WriteLine("Rendering finished.");

               Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFullPath(outputFilePath) + " has been created.");


           catch (Exception e)


               // Report errors


               if (e.InnerException != null)



               // Delete the (partial) output file if any

               if (File.Exists(outputFilePath))







Example 1: Converting FO to PDF using XF Web Service



·In the above example, any FO file can be used. Below is the code for a sample fo, that must be copied into a .fo file. In this example, the file is named "test.fo".  Before running the application, the .fo file must be copied into the ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\bin\Debug folder.
·To specify a new address for the XF Web Service, the URL in EndpointAddress must be modified.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xmlns:xf="http://www.ecrion.com/xf/1.0">


   <fo:simple-page-master master-name="all-pages" page-width="11in" page-height="8.5in">

     <fo:region-body region-name="xsl-region-body" margin="0.7in"/>



 <fo:page-sequence master-reference="all-pages">

   <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">


       Hello World






Example 2: Sample test.fo

Using XML Input

For XML/XFD input inputDataSource.Format = InputFormat.XSLFO; and parameters must be used. The following code snippet presents a sample template:



ServerDocumentTemplate template = new ServerDocumentTemplate();


template.ID = "Sample:Invoice.xfd";

parameters.Template = template;
inputDataSource.Format = InputFormat.XML;


Example 3: Converting XML to PDF using XF Web Service



·XF Web Service can use both server and local templates to convert XML to PDF.
·Local templates must be first installed in the Management Console under XF Rendering Server > Server Templates before using them. Also, the template's ID must be known. In the above example, "Sample:Invoice.xfd" was used, which can be found in XF Rendering Server's sample files after installing it.