The RenderingParameters object encapsulates all customizable parameters that can override the settings specified in the Management Console.
Name |
Description |
Specifies options for generating AFP output. |
Specifies options for generating PDF output. |
Specifies permission options for generating encrypted PDF output. |
Password encryption strength for encrypted PDF output. |
Base URL for relative paths. |
This string identifies the stream of input bytes and is logged into the server log files. |
This string identifies the stream of output bytes and is logged into the server log files. |
The output format. |
The server name or IP address used to perform the conversion. |
The server port used by XF Ultrascale 2013 service to listen for requests. |
Horizontal resolution for raster (BMP, JPEG, etc.) and AFP output. |
Vertical resolution for raster (BMP, JPEG, etc.) and AFP output. |
Specifies options for resolving references(page-number-citation, page-number etc.). |
The layout template that will apply to XML data. Can be an instance of either a ServerDocumentTemplate or LocalDocumentTemplate. |
The username used to authenticate the request. |
The password used to authenticate the request. |
The password for encrypted PDF output. |
The owner password for encrypted PDF output. |
Controls the engine's behaviour whenever an image is not found. |
Sets the number of rows to be used for determining column widths when performing automatic table layout. |
Specifies the compression algorithm to be used for TIFF images. |
The scaling factor that will be applied to the raster output. |
Merge context identifier. |
Used to specify whether this document is the last one in the specified merge context. |
The TTL (Time To Live) for an inactive merge context, in seconds. |
Specifies whether to retry the requests that have failed. |
Sets the timeout for a request. |
Preload the document before rendering. Useful to avoid strict validation errors in XSL-FO documents. |
Antialiasing mode for images. |
The page index to render. Meaningful only for JPEG / GIF / PNG / SVG output. |
The image compression for PDF (FLAT or JPEG). |
Settings for HTML input. |
Settings for HTML output. |
Specifies settings for printer. |
Specifies settings for text output. |
Enables/disables layout when resolving compatibility issues between XSLFO input format and HTML/EPUB/WordML output format. Layout will improve quality but will decrease rendering speed. Default is true(layout enabled). |
Compute and get page count based on input stream; no output will be rendered but will contain the number of pages for this document. |
Sets the resolver thread type. |
Sets the rendering feedback for the server. |
Specifies image compression for PDF output. |
Specifies the type of smoothing (antialiasing) that is applied to images. This parameter affects image output formats. |
Obsolete Members/Properties
Name |
Description |
ServerTemplateID |
Deprecated. For server-side templates use ServerDocumentTemplate. |
TemplateStream |
Deprecated. For client-side templates use LocalDocumentTemplate. |
XSLTEngine |
Deprecated. |
LanguageID |
Deprecated. |
LanguageStream |
Deprecated. |
XsltParameters |
Deprecated. |
InputFormat |
Deprecated. |
useResolverThread |
Deprecated. |
PrinterName |
Deprecated. |
OutputPrintFile |
Deprecated. |
DASServer |
Deprecated. |
DASServer |
Deprecated. |
Specifies options for generating AFP output. Default value is "0", that is, system wide options configured in the Management Console will be used. A detailed description of each flag can be found here.
public Engine.AFPFlags AFPOutputFlags
Specifies options for generating PDF output. Default value is "0", that is, system wide options configured in the Management Console will be used. A detailed description of each flag can be found here.
public Engine.PDFFlags PDFOutputFlags
Specifies permission options for generating encrypted PDF output. Default value is "0", that is, system wide options configured in the Management Console will be used. A detailed description of each flag can be found here.
public Engine.PDFPermissionFlags PDFPermissionOutputFlags
Password encryption strength for encrypted PDF output. Valid values are "128" and "40". Default is "40".
public int PDFEncryptionStrength
Base URL for relative paths.
public String BaseUrl
This string identifies the stream of input bytes and is logged into the server log files. It is not used by the engine in any way during processing and does not affect the output. By default, it is set to the name of the current input file, for troubleshooting purposes, and it is highly recommended that it will be used as mentioned.
public String InputBytesID
The input format. A detailed description of the possible values can be found here.
public Engine.InputFormat InputFormat
This string identifies the stream of output bytes and is logged into the server log files. It is not used by the engine in any way during processing and does not affect the output. By default, it is set to the name of the current output file for troubleshooting purposes and it highly recommended that it will used be as mentioned.
public String OutputBytesID
The output file format. A detailed description of the possible values can be found here.
public Engine.OutputFormat OutputFormat
The server name or IP address used to perform the conversion. XF Rendering Server 2013 must be installed and listening on the port specified. Default value is "", that is, the local computer.
public String Server
The server port used by XF Rendering Server 2013 service to listen for requests. Default value is "1099".
public int ServerPort
Horizontal resolution for raster (BMP, JPEG, etc.) and AFP output. Default value is "0", that is, the resolution will have the default value for the specified output format. For AFP output, the default value for horizontal and vertical resolutions is "144" (1440 DPI).
public int XResolution
Vertical resolution for raster (BMP, JPEG, etc.) and AFP output. Default value is "0", that is, the resolution will have the default value for the specified output format. For AFP output, the default value for horizontal and vertical resolutions is "144" (1440 DPI).
public int YResolution
Specifies whether or not to use the reference resolver thread for XSL-FO documents. The default value is "true", but the user can set it to "false" if the documents do not have elements such as fo:retrieve-marker or fo:page-number-citation that require the engine to lookup certain elements. In this case, not using the resolver thread will improve processing speed.
public bool UseResolverThread
Some FO documents have elements like fo:retrieve-marker or fo:page-number-citation that require the engine to lookup certain elements. The ReferenceResolverType parameter specifies options for resolving references.
A detailed description of the possible values can be found here.
public Engine.ReferenceResolverType ReferenceResType
Specifies the layout template that will apply to XML data. This parameter must be specified when InputFormat is Engine.InputFormat.XML.
Can be an instance of either a ServerDocumentTemplate or LocalDocumentTemplate.
public DocumentTemplate Template
The username used for authenticating the request. If it is left blank, the default "Guest" account will be used.
public String UserName
The password used for authenticating the request. If it is left blank, the default "Guest" account will be used and no password is required.
public String Password
The user password set for the encrypted PDF output. Opening the document with the correct user password (or opening a document that does not have a user password) allows additional operations to be performed according to the access permissions specified in the document’s encryption dictionary.
public String PDFUserPassword
The owner password set for the encrypted PDF output. Opening the document with the correct owner password allows full (owner) access to the document. This unlimited access includes the ability to change the document’s passwords and access permissions.
public String PDFOwnerPassword
Controls how the engine should react when an image is not found. The possible values and their meanings can be found here.
public Engine.ImageErrorsHandlingMode ImageErrorsHandlingMode
When performing automatic tables layout, the engine will, by default, look only at a limited number of rows.
To set all table rows, the value must be set to "-1". However, this action may drastically affect the performance if the document has large tables. The default value is "100".
public int AutoLayoutRowCount
Specifies the compression algorithm to use for TIFF images. The possible values and their meanings can be found here.
public Engine.CompressionAlgorithm CompressionAlgorithm
Specifies the scaling factor that will be applied to the raster output. The value has to be greater than "0". Default value is "100". Values between "0" and "100" will scale the image down (zoom out), while values above "100" will zoom in. For example, a value of "50" is equivalent to a 50% zoom, while "200" is equivalent to a 200% zoom.
public float ZoomFactor
A string specifying the name of the printer.
public String PrinterName
Merge context identifier. This must be used when the rendering operation is part of a larger merge operation. To obtain a new merge context identifier, Engine.GetNewMergeContextID must be used.
public String MergeContextID
Specifies whether this is the last document in the merge context. If set to "true", the merge context will be closed after this rendering operation.
public bool IsLastDocumentInMergeContext
The TTL (Time To Live) for an inactive merge context, in seconds. The merge context will be automatically discarded by the server after the specified period of inactivity. Default value is "120" seconds.
public int MaxMergeContextInactivityTTL
Specifies whether to retry the requests that have failed. The default value is "false".
public bool RetryFailedRequests
Specifies the timeout for a request, in seconds. The default value is "0".
public int RequestTimeout
Preload the document before rendering. With this flag enabled, the whole document will be loaded in memory and the XSL-FO engine will be more permissive with static contents placement. The default is "false".
public bool PreloadDocument
Specifies the type of smoothing (antialiasing) that is applied to images. This parameter affects image output formats. Possible values are "Default" (system settings), "None" and "AntiAlias".
public enum SmoothingMode
Default value is "-1", indicating that for SVG output all pages are rendered. For JPEG / GIF / PNG/ BMP outputs only the first page is rendered.
public int PageIdx
Specifies the compression type for PDF images. The possible values are "FLAT" (indicating FLAT compression) and "JPEG" (indicating JPEG compression).
public Engine.PDFImageCompression PDFImageCompression
Specifies the name of a PCL output file. If this parameter is empty, the output will be sent direct to the printer. The default value is an empty string.
public String OutputPrintFile
Specifies various settings for HTML input. Ecrion.Ultrascale.HtmlInputSettings is available for more information.
public Engine.HtmlInputSettings HtmlInputSettings
Specifies various settings for HTML output. Ecrion.Ultrascale.HtmlOutputSettings is available for more information.
public Engine.HtmlOutputSettings HtmlOutputSettings
Specifies settings for printer. Ecrion.Ultrascale.PrinterSettings is available for more information.
public Engine.PrinterSettings PrinterSettings
Specifies settings for text output.
public Engine.TxtOutputSettings TextOutputSettings
Enables/disables layout when resolving compatibility issues between XSLFO input format and HTML/EPUB/WordML output format.
Layout will improve quality, but will decrease rendering speed. Default value is "true" (layout enabled).
public bool PerformLayout
Compute and get page count based on input stream; no output will be rendered, but will contain the number of pages for this document.
public bool ComputePageCountOnly
Sets the resolver thread type. More information can be found here.
public Engine.ReferenceResolverType ReferenceResolverType
Sets the rendering feedback. More information can be found here.
public Engine.RenderingFeedback RenderingFeedback
Sets the rendering feedback. More information can be found here.
public Engine.PDFImageCompression PDFImageCompression
Specifies the type of smoothing (antialiasing) that is applied to images. This parameter affects only image output formats. More information can be found here.
public Engine.SmoothingMode SmoothingMode