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This section provides information about additional engine settings.





Hash Memory Images: As indicated in the description, this feature attempts to detect identical embedded images and reuse them for PDF, Postscript or AFP output. The value that is set as Boolean.


HTTP Proxy URL: The rendering server will use this proxy server when retrieving content via http. The url format is ip:port. An example would be: This value is set as a string.


Use installed Symbol font: This option enables the rendering server to utilize the Windows Symbol font instead of the instead of the default Adobe Standard Symbol font. This value is set as Boolean.


Line breaking tolerance: This option will adjust the precision of the line width, allowing extra words to fit on a given line. This setting is useful when converting .DOC, .DOCX and WordML format files. The measurement unit is "pixel" and the value is set as a string.


Rasterized content DPI: This feature sets the resolution for the rasterisation of vectorial content (such as SVG, PDF, XCHART) not supported in some output formats like HTML, WordML and DocX. The measurement unit is "pixel" and the value is set as a string.




The "Is Specified" column will inform the user if any options have been altered from their default state.
The user must restart the service in order for the changes made to take effect. This can be done manually or automatically by selecting the Restart the service to apply changes option after modifying a value.