Example: Running the Job

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Having written the job, it is time to run it. Using the *.dal extension for the job file will have Render and URender.NET recognize it automatically.



       C:\...\Bin>Render.exe C:\path\to\file.dal



Viewing The Result


The result of the previous example will be a 3 page PDF document:




The documents on page 2 and 3 are generated from Input.PDF and InputXFD.xfd (the later coupled with data.xml).
The first page includes the Table of Contents generated using job-info() and an XFD stylesheet.
The header is generated from the Overlay.fo file which is repeated over all pages except for the Table of Contents, which explicitly was set not to match.
If an output format is explicitly set, the parameter will override the value specified by xfj:output.


All the files referenced can be found in the XML Samples folder, that is available after installing XF Rendering Server.