Example: Imposition Job

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Adding imposition to an existing DAL job is done by adding the xfj:imposition element at the beginning of the job, as a direct child of the xfj:document.


As part of this example, an imposition will be added to the first sample job file:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<xfj:job xmlns:xfj="http://www.ecrion.com/xfj/1.0">


       <xfj:output mime-type="application/pdf"/>


       <xfj:document id="doc2" title="Current Superannuation">

               <xfj:external-content src="InputPDF.pdf"/>



       <xfj:document id="doc3" title="your Funds">

               <xfj:apply-local-template src="InputXFD.xfd"/>

               <xfj:external-content src="data.xml"/>






The imposition markup is highlighted below:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<xfj:job xmlns:xfj="http://www.ecrion.com/xfj/1.0">


               <!-- this is the front of the sheet -->

               <xfj:sheet-layout width="400" height="400">

                       <xfj:page-layout rectangle="200 100 200 100" rot="0" index="c" />

                       <xfj:page-layout rectangle="0 100 200 100" rot="0" index="b" />


               <!-- this is the back of the sheet -->

               <xfj:sheet-layout width="400" height="400">

                       <xfj:page-layout rectangle="0 0 400 200" rot="0" index="a" />

                       <xfj:page-layout rectangle="0 200 400 200" rot="0" index="d" />



       <xfj:output mime-type="application/pdf"/>

       <xfj:document id="doc2" title="Current Superannuation">

               <xfj:external-content src="InputPDF.pdf"/>


       <xfj:document id="doc3" title="your Funds">

               <xfj:apply-local-template src="InputXFD.xfd"/>

               <xfj:external-content src="data.xml"/>





