Quick Access Options

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When you are creating a Conditional Text section to insert into your template, you will have the option to create any condition that you need. However, in the Publisher you will also have some quick insert options for the most commonly used conditions. The conditions you will be able to select from are, If Exists, If Greater Than, If Contains and Custom Condition. In order to use any of these options follow to steps highlighted below.


1. Navigate to the Insert Tab in the Ribbon and select the button of the Conditional Text button.


2. Select from one of the four quick access options; If Exists, If Greater Than, If Contains or Custom Condition. It is important to note that selecting the custom condition will allow you to create your own condition as described in How to Create Conditional Text.


3. Once you select the condition you would like the Insert Conditional Text Dialog will launch, with some configurations already made. You will need to select the data point you wish to base the condition off of from the data tree and select the value that will make the condition true.



Figure 1: All of the conditions have been set for the quick access If Contains option.


4. You will notice in the Design Surface that your first condition and the fallback section will be added as inline text objects. Placeholder text will be visible giving an indication of what the condition is set up to test. From here you will need to replace the placeholder text with content that you want to show based on the condition set, you can learn more about that here.



Figure 2: Placeholder text is viewed in each configured condition.