Creating Authoring Projects

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With EOS you are able to create interactive forms to use with templates that users can fill out to generate personalized documents.


The steps below highlight how to create and work with Layout Templates in the Publisher for Interactive Documents.



In the Publisher, you will create the Layout template for an Interactive Document the same way you would any other document. The only different is what will be used for the data source. In order to create the Layout Template in the Publisher please follow the steps below.


1. Create a new Form in EOS, for more information visit Creating Forms.


2. Once saved, Download the Form (this will be an .efd file) from EOS.


3. In the Publisher assign the .edf file as the data source.


4. Create the Template as normal, using the fields from the Form data source as the dynamic values.


5. Once you have completed the Template, upload it to EOS in the same folder where the workflow will go. You can do this by uploading the file directly to EOS or using the EOS tab in the Publisher.


6. Once you have uploaded the Template you will need to create a workflow for the Interactive Document.