The interactive elements in your dashboard such as charts, tables, and filters, are called Widgets. Widgets are categorized as either Visualization Widgets or Filter Widgets. Once you have established a connection to your data, you can now proceed with inserting different Widgets to bring your data to life in your Dashboard. This section of the help documentation provides assistance with locating options to insert both types of widgets, and also general usage for your design.
Ecrion Design Studio BI Architect supports two different kinds of widgets, Visualization and Filter widgets. Use the links below to learn how to insert the different types of widgets, and how to work with them in the design surface.
Visualization Widgets - Used to display the data in a graphical format, for example as a table or chart.
Filter Widgets - Used to interact with the dashboard and filter the data that is being analyzed.
Include or Exclude Widgets - Learn how to exclude widgets from your dashboard without deleting it all together.
Resizing Widgets - Learn how to resize your widgets in the design surface.
Repositioning Widgets - Lean how to reposition your widgets after inserting into the design surface.