This element is a child of xfj:sheet-layout.
A sheet layout may contain one or more xfj:page-layout elements:
rectangle="integer_number integer_number integer_number integer_number"
index="string_value" />
The following attributes can be applied to this element:
· | rectangle - four integer values representing the X, Y, Width and Height of the rectangle respectively (in pixels) |
· | rot - rotation of the page on the sheet (in degrees) |
· | index - the imposition index of the page layout (explained below) |
The order in which the pages are positioned on the front and back of each sheet is given by the value of the imposition index specified on the xfj:page-layout element. All the page layouts in the imposition, from both the front and back of the sheet, are sorted according to the alphabetical order of the indexes. When a new page is processed, it is inserted in the next position in the index order and inherits the page layout corresponding to that index.