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This element is a "child" of xfj:apply-rules element.


xfj:match specifies a rule to include or exclude a set of pages from having the overlay applied to them. The syntax is as follows:



       <xfj:match rule="match_function"/>



The match function can have one of the following values:


·all - all pages of the DAL job
·first - first page of the DAL job
·last - last page of the DAL job
·odd - odd pages of the DAL job
·even - even pages of the DAL job
·first(document_id) - first page of document document_id
·last(document_id) - last page of document document_id
·odd(document_id) - odd pages of document document_id
·even(document_id) - even pages of document document_id
·include(document_id) - all pages of document document_id
·exclude(document_id) - do not match the whole document document_id
·exclude(match_function) - do not match the rule specified by the match function in the argument



·The document_id refers to the id attribute of an xfj:document from the DAL job.
·The exclude() function accepts other match functions as parameters, enabling constructs such as: exclude(last), exclude(first(document1)), exclude(odd(document2)), etc. All functions are supported as an argument, except from include() and exclude().
·When multiple xfj:match elements exist, the rules are applied in the order they appear, with the exclude rules having greater priority.


Example of usage:




       <xfj:match rule="all"/>

       <xfj:match rule="exclude(document1)"/>

       <xfj:match rule="exclude(first)"/>




This will match all the pages in the DAL, excluding the first page of the job and all pages of document1.