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This element can be a "child" of xfj:document or xfj:overlay elements. It is recommended for the user to first get more information about the "parent" elements before applying this attribute.


If the file referenced by the xfj:external-content of the parent document or overlay is an XFD or XSL template, then an input XML file must be specified, as follows:




       <xfj:external-content src="url(XFD_file_url)"/>

       <xfj:input-xml src="url(XML_file_url)"/>

       <!-- an optional xfj:transform element -->




The template is automatically combined with the XML data file and the resulting XSL-FO is added to the output.

The input XML can be also generated by the server on-the-fly via the job-info() function. This XML will contain information about the job which can be combined with an XFD template to generate a table of contents:



       <xfj:input-xml src="job-info()"/>





·The xfj:input-xml element is DEPRECATED and should only be used with the job-info() function as its "src". For a regular XFD/XSL transform, the xfj:external-content must point to the data XML and use either the xfj:apply-local-template or xfj:apply-server-template elements.