Element describing a spider chart.
xc:spider-serie |
Element describing an area from a spider chart. |
xc:spider-axis |
Element describing a spider chart axis. |
unit-frequency |
Unit frequency of the chart. Only float values are accepted. |
draw-web |
Specifies whether to draw the web. Possible values are 'true' or 'false'. |
web-stroke |
Stroke color for web lines. |
web-stroke-opacity |
Stroke opacity for web lines. |
web-stroke-width |
Stroke width for web lines. |
web-stroke-linecap |
Stroke line cap for web lines. |
web-stroke-linejoin |
Stroke line join for web lines. |
web-stroke-miterlimit |
Stroke miter limit for web lines. |
web-stroke-dasharray |
Stroke dash array for web lines. |
web-stroke-dashoffset |
Stroke dash offset for web lines. |