Conformance to the XSL-FO Standard

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  Object Name Implemented Tutorial Examples in XSL-FO Tutorials XSL Version
Declarations and Pagination and Layout Formatting Objects
  fo:root yes    v1.0
  fo:declarations yes   v1.0
  fo:color-profile yes   v1.0
  fo:page-sequence yes    v1.0
  fo:page-sequence-wrapper no   v1.1
  fo:layout-master-set yes    v1.0
  fo:page-sequence-master yes    v1.0
  fo:single-page-master-reference yes    v1.0
  fo:repeatable-page-master-reference yes    v1.0
  fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives yes    v1.0
  fo:conditional-page-master-reference yes    v1.0
  fo:simple-page-master yes    v1.0
  fo:region-body yes    v1.0
  fo:region-before yes    v1.0
  fo:region-after yes    v1.0
  fo:region-start yes    v1.0
  fo:region-end yes    v1.0
  fo:region-name-specifier yes   v1.1
  fo:flow yes    v1.0
  fo:flow-map yes   v1.1
  fo:flow-assignment yes   v1.1
  fo:flow-source-list yes   v1.1
  fo:flow-name-specifier yes   v1.1
  fo:flow-target-list yes   v1.1
  fo:static-content yes    v1.0
  fo:title yes   v1.0
Block Formatting Objects
  fo:block yes   v1.0
  fo:block-container yes    v1.0
Inline Formatting Objects
  fo:bidi-override yes   v1.0
  fo:character yes   v1.0
  fo:initial-property-set no   v1.1
  fo:external-graphic yes    v1.0
  fo:scaling-value-citation no   v1.1
  fo:instream-foreign-object yes   v1.0
  fo:inline yes   v1.0
  fo:inline-container yes   v1.0
  fo:index-page-number-prefix yes   v1.1
  fo:index-page-number-suffix yes   v1.1
  fo:index-range-begin yes   v1.1
  fo:index-range-end yes   v1.1
  fo:index-key-reference yes   v1.1
  fo:index-page-citation-list yes   v1.1
  fo:index-page-citation-list-separator yes   v1.1
  fo:index-page-citation-range-separator yes   v1.1
  fo:leader yes   v1.0
  fo:page-number yes    v1.0
  fo:folio-number yes   v1.1
  fo:folio-prefix yes   v1.1
  fo:folio-suffix yes   v1.1
  fo:page-number-citation yes    v1.0
  fo:page-number-citation-last yes   v1.1
Table Formatting Objects
  fo:table-and-caption yes   v1.0
  fo:table yes    v1.0
  fo:table-column yes    v1.0
  fo:table-caption yes   v1.0
  fo:table-header yes    v1.0
  fo:table-footer yes    v1.0
  fo:table-body yes    v1.0
  fo:table-row yes    v1.0
  fo:table-cell yes    v1.0
List Formatting Objects
  fo:list-block yes    v1.0
  fo:list-item yes    v1.0
  fo:list-item-body yes    v1.0
  fo:list-item-label yes    v1.0
Link and Multi Formatting Objects
  fo:basic-link yes    v1.0
  fo:multi-switch -   v1.1
  fo:multi-case -   v1.1
  fo:multi-toggle -   v1.1
  fo:multi-properties -   v1.1
  fo:multi-property-set -   v1.1
Out-of-line Formatting Objects
  fo:float yes    v1.0
  fo:footnote yes    v1.0
  fo:footnote-body yes    v1.0
Other Formatting Objects
  fo:wrapper yes    v1.0
  fo:marker yes    v1.0
  fo:retrieve-marker yes    v1.0
  fo:retrieve-table-marker yes    v1.1

  Property Name Implemented Tutorial Examples in XSL-FO Tutorial
Common Accessibility Properties
  source-document no  
  role -  
Common Absolute Position Properties
  absolute-position yes  
  top yes  
  right yes  
  bottom yes  
  left yes  
Common Aural Properties
  azimuth -  
  cue-after -  
  cue-before -  
  elevation -  
  pause-after -  
  pause-before -  
  pitch -  
  pitch-range -  
  play-during -  
  richness -  
  speak -  
  speak-header -  
  speak-numeral -  
  speak-punctuation -  
  speech-rate -  
  stress -  
  voice-family -  
  volume -  
Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties
  background-color yes   
  background-image yes   
  background-repeat yes   
  background-position-horizontal yes   
  background-position-vertical yes   
  border-before-color yes   
  border-before-style yes   
  border-before-width yes   
  border-after-color yes   
  border-after-style yes   
  border-after-width yes   
  border-start-color yes   
  border-start-style yes   
  border-start-width yes   
  border-end-color yes   
  border-end-style yes   
  border-end-width yes   
  border-top-color yes   
  border-top-style yes   
  border-top-width yes   
  border-bottom-color yes   
  border-bottom-style yes   
  border-bottom-width yes   
  border-left-color yes   
  border-left-style yes   
  border-left-width yes   
  border-right-color yes   
  border-right-style yes   
  border-right-width yes   
  padding-before yes   
  padding-after yes   
  padding-start yes   
  padding-end yes   
  padding-top yes   
  padding-bottom yes   
  padding-left yes   
  padding-right yes   
Common Font Properties
  font-family yes   
  font-selection-strategy yes  
  font-size yes  
  font-stretch no  
  font-size-adjust no  
  font-style yes   
  font-variant yes  
  font-weight yes   
Common Hyphenation Properties
  country no  
  language yes  
  script no  
  hyphenate yes  
  hyphenation-character yes  
  hyphenation-push-character-count yes  
  hyphenation-remain-character-count yes  
Common Margin Properties - Block
  margin-top yes   
  margin-bottom yes   
  margin-left yes   
  margin-right yes   
  space-before yes   
  space-after yes   
  start-indent yes  
  end-indent yes  
Common Margin Properties - Inline
  space-end yes  
  space-start yes  
Common Relative Position Properties
  relative-position no  
Area Alignment Properties
  alignment-adjust yes  
  alignment-baseline yes   
  baseline-shift yes  
  display-align yes  
  dominant-baseline no  
  relative-align no  
Area Dimension Properties
  block-progression-dimension yes  
  content-height yes   
  content-width yes   
  height yes  
  inline-progression-dimension yes  
  max-height yes  
  max-width yes  
  min-height yes  
  min-width yes  
  scaling yes  
  scaling-method yes  
  width yes  
Block and Line-related Properties
  hyphenation-keep no  
  hyphenation-ladder-count no  
  last-line-end-indent no  
  line-height yes  
  line-height-shift-adjustment yes  
  line-stacking-strategy yes  
  linefeed-treatment yes  
  white-space-treatment yes  
  text-align yes  
  text-align-last yes  
  text-indent yes  
  white-space-collapse yes  
  wrap-option yes  
Character Properties
  character yes  
  letter-spacing yes  
  suppress-at-line-break no  
  text-decoration yes  
  text-shadow no  
  text-transform yes  
  treat-as-word-space no  
  word-spacing no  
Color-related Properties
  color yes  
  color-profile-name yes  
  rendering-intent no  
Float-related Properties
  clear no  
  float yes  
  intrusion-displace no  
Keeps and Breaks Properties
  break-after yes  
  break-before yes  
  keep-together yes  
  keep-with-next yes  
  keep-with-previous yes  
  orphans yes  
  widows yes  
Layout-related Properties
  clip no  
  overflow yes  
  reference-orientation yes  
  span yes   
Leader and Rule Properties
  leader-alignment yes  
  leader-pattern yes  
  leader-pattern-width yes  
  leader-length yes  
  rule-style yes  
  rule-thickness yes  
Properties for Dynamic Effects Formatting Objects
  active-state -  
  auto-restore -  
  case-name -  
  case-title -  
  destination-placement-offset no  
  external-destination yes  
  indicate-destination -  
  internal-destination yes  
  show-destination -  
  starting-state -  
  switch-to -  
  target-presentation-context -  
  target-processing-context -  
  target-stylesheet -  
Properties for Markers
  marker-class-name yes   
  retrieve-class-name yes   
  retrieve-position yes   
  retrieve-boundary yes   
  retrieve-position-within-table yes   
  retrieve-boundary-within-table yes   
Properties for Number to String Conversion
  format yes  
  grouping-separator no  
  grouping-size no  
  letter-value no  
Pagination and Layout Properties
  blank-or-not-blank yes  
  column-count yes  
  column-gap yes  
  extent yes  
  flow-name yes  
  force-page-count yes   
  initial-page-number yes  
  master-name yes  
  master-reference yes  
  maximum-repeats yes  
  odd-or-even yes  
  page-height yes  
  page-position yes  
  page-width yes  
  precedence yes  
  region-name yes  
Table Properties
  border-after-precedence no  
  border-before-precedence no  
  border-collapse yes  
  border-end-precedence no  
  border-separation no  
  border-start-precedence no  
  caption-side no  
  column-number yes  
  column-width yes  
  empty-cells no  
  ends-row yes  
  number-columns-repeated yes  
  number-columns-spanned yes  
  number-rows-spanned yes  
  starts-row yes  
  table-layout yes  
  table-omit-footer-at-break yes  
  table-omit-header-at-break yes  
Writing-mode-related Properties
  direction yes  
  glyph-orientation-horizontal no  
  glyph-orientation-vertical no  
  text-altitude no   
  text-depth no   
  unicode-bidi no  
  writing-mode no  
Miscellaneous Properties
  content-type no   
  id yes  
  provisional-label-separation yes  
  provisional-distance-between-starts yes  
  ref-id yes  
  score-spaces no  
  src yes  
  visibility yes  
  z-index yes  
Shorthand Properties
  background yes   
  background-position yes  
  border yes  
  border-bottom yes  
  border-color yes  
  border-left yes  
  border-right yes  
  border-style yes  
  border-spacing yes  
  border-top yes  
  border-width yes  
  cue -  
  font yes  
  keep-together yes  
  margin yes  
  padding yes  
  page-break-after yes  
  page-break-before yes  
  page-break-inside yes  
  pause -  
  position yes  
  size no  
  text-decoration yes  
  vertical-align yes  
  white-space yes  
  xml:lang no