Automatic Fit Content

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XF Rendering Server 2013 supports automatic font size adjustment for fo:block-container elements, in order for the content to fit into a specified area. The extension used to perform this action is xf:fit-content, which is an attribute applied to the fo:block-container element.

The possible values are true and false.





<fo:block-container xf:fit-content="BOOLEAN" width="LENGTH_OR_PERCENT" height="LENGTH_OR_PERCENT" xf:max-iterations="INTEGER" xf:fit-tolerance="FLOAT">

       <!-- block container text here -->




Example of usage:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<fo:root xmlns:fo="" xmlns:xf="">


               <fo:simple-page-master master-name="p1" page-width="7in" page-height="2in">

                       <fo:region-body region-name="xsl-region-body" margin="0.2in" background="silver"/>



       <fo:page-sequence master-reference="p1">

               <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="16pt">


                               <fo:block-container text-align="justify" color="red" xf:fit-content="true" position="absolute" top="18pt" left="40pt" height="105pt" width="80%" background="yellow">


                                               <fo:inline>Fit Text 1</fo:inline>

                                               Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1

                                               Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1

                                               Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1

                                               Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1

                                               Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1 Fit Text 1



                                               <fo:inline>Fit Text 2</fo:inline>

                                               Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2

                                               Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2

                                               Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2

                                               Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2

                                               Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2 Fit Text 2










It is possible to set parameters for this extension using the xf:max-iterations and xf:fit-tolerance attributes on the fo:block-container:

·max-iterations specifies the maximum number of attempts to fit the contents properly. The default is "10".
·fit-tolerance specifies the error tolerance for the algorithm when trying to fit the exact height of the block container. The default is "0.05".



