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The xfj:viewer-preferences element specifies options for the viewer. It is currently designed to work with Adobe Reader.




       hide-toolbar="true | false"

       hide-menubar="true | false"

       hide-window-ui="true | false"

       fit-window="true | false"

       center-window="true | false"

       display-doc-title="true | false"/>



The attributes for xfj:viewer-preferences are Boolean toggles. The default value for all of them is false.


The following attributes can be applied to the element:


hide-toolbar - true or false (if it is set to "true", it will hide the toolbar)
hide-menubar - true or false (if it is set to "true", it will hide the menubar)
hide-window-ui - true or false (if it is set to "true", it will hide everything but the document)
fit-window - true or false (if it is set to "true", the document will be zoomed in order to in the viewer's window)
center-window - true or false (if it is set to "true", the document will be centered in the viewer window)
display-doc-title - true or false (if it is set to "true", the document's title will be displayed in the caption bar)