Input and Output

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The Input and Output section contains options regarding the main attributes that must be specified.




Input - specifies the path where the input files are located. The user can type in the path or navigate to it on the local machine, using the Browse button.


File Pattern - represents the input file's format. The file formats are the same as the ones supported by XF Rendering Server.


Monitoring is enabled for this folder - when this option is selected, the input folder will be permanently monitored and the files will be rendered automatically when changes occur or the rendering server is restarted.


Destination - specifies the path where the output files are stored. The user can type in the path or navigate to it on the local machine, using the Browse button.


Output Format - specifies the output file's format. The available formats are PDF, Postscript, AFP, WordML, XPS, TIFF, HTML, JPEG, GIF, PNG, SVG, PPTX, EPUB, IOCA, TXT.