Example: Creating a Simple DAL Job

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Creating a New DAL Job


Every DAL job should have the xfj:output element defined to specify the output format. If it is omitted, then the default output will be PDF.


Code sample:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<xfj:job xmlns:xfj="http://www.ecrion.com/xfj/1.0">

       <xfj:output mime-type="application/pdf"/>




Adding Some Documents


The primary role of DAL is document assembly, so it is only natural that this first example presents how to merge two documents.


The first document is a static PDF file called InputPDF.pdf:



The second is a dynamic document generated from an XML file with an XFD style-sheet: data.xml with InputXFD.xfd.


The rendered output should be the following:



An xfj:document will be used for each file.

The xfj:external-content of the first document will reference the PDF file and the xfj:apply-local-template of the second document will reference the XFD style-sheet.

In addition, the second document will have an xfj:external-content referencing the XML file.



All paths are relative to the DAL job file.


The DAL job file for this example will be the following:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<xfj:job xmlns:xfj="http://www.ecrion.com/xfj/1.0">

       <xfj:output mime-type="application/pdf"/>

       <xfj:document id="doc2" title="Current Superannuation">

               <xfj:external-content src="InputPDF.pdf"/>


       <xfj:document id="doc3" title="your Funds">

               <xfj:apply-local-template src="InputXFD.xfd"/>

               <xfj:external-content src="data.xml"/>





All the files referenced can be found in the XML Samples folder.