Size and positioning attributes x x-axis coordinate.
y y-axis coordinate.
width Intrinsic width of an element.
height Intrinsic height of an element.
viewBox Element view box.
offset Specifies the distance to current viewport origin.
Font Attributes Collection of attributes describing the font for an element.
font-family This property specifies a prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family names.
font-style The 'font-style' property requests normal (sometimes referred to as "roman" or "upright"), italic, and oblique faces within a font family
font-weight The 'font-weight' property specifies the weight of the font.
font-size This property describes the size of the font.
Stroke Attributes Set of attributes used to paint the outline of an element.
stroke The color used to paint the outline.
stroke-width The width of the stroke on the current object. A zero value causes no stroke to be painted. A negative value is an error.
stroke-linecap The line cap type for the stroke.
stroke-linejoin The line join style for the stroke.
stroke-miterlimit The miter limit for the stroke.
stroke-dasharray 'stroke-dasharray' controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. 'dash array' contains a list of comma-separated (with optional white space) lengths that specify the lengths of alternating dashes and gaps. If an odd number of values is provided, then the list of values is repeated to yield an even number of values. Thus, stroke-dasharray: 5,3,2 is equivalent to stroke-dasharray: 5,3,2,5,3,2.
stroke-dashoffset The offset (in the right direction) of the dash array.
Fill Attributes Set of attributes used to paint the background of an element.
fill The color used to paint the background.
Value Attributes
Miscellaneous Attributes
format String identifying the number of date format to apply to data values.
Formatting numbers: The following characters are supported "."; ","; "#", "0". The "#" character is used to describe integers. The "." and "," characters are used to describe the location and type of punctuation. The "0" character is used enforce digits before and after the "." character. When truncating digits to the right of the decimal points, the number is rounded. The number to the left of the decimal point is never truncated. Prefix and postfix character sequences are copied to output without change.
Examples: When using '#,###', number 5351 will be displayed as "5,351". When using '#.00', number 5351 will be displayed as "5351.00". When using '0000.0000', number 53.11 will be displayed as "0053.5100". When using "0000.####", number 5351.12 will be displayed as "5351.12" When using "$###0.##", number 5351.12 will be displayed as "$5351.12"
Formatting dates:
For example, to get the date string "Wed, Aug 31 94" use the following format string: "ddd, MMM dd yy".
orientation Specifies if an axis is vertical or horizontal.
intersection Specifies the intersection point of an axis with the opposite one.
min Overrides the automatically calculated minimum value for an axis.
max Overrides the automatically calculated maximum value for an axis.
unit Overrides the automatically calculated unit value for an axis.
Values have the following meaning:
The following line chart exemplifies the usage of min, max and unit properties.
placement Specifies the placement method for xc:axis-labels elements in rapport with the xc:major-tick-marks.