Apply Template

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When the input file format is .xml, a template file must be defined.

Hot Folders permit the user to set a server template that will be used when rendering the .xml files.




Different options can be set if a server template is used:






Split XPath - the server will render a document for each occurrence of the selected node. For example, if 14 "cd" nodes exist in the XML Tree, 14 separate documents will be generated, each containing data from a particular "cd" node, according to the template.


Language ID - a template file can have assigned multiple translations, depending on the user's preferences. When rendering to the desired output format, one of these files can be applied using its ID.


XSLT Parameters - The user can assign new values to XSLT parameters defined in the template.







This dialog is used for defining a diagram and must be used only when the Processor Type is Data Aggregation Server.

