AIX Quick Start Guide

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To install XF Ultrascale 2013 Server for AIX, the next steps must be followed:


1. run the "smit" command

2. access the "Software Installation and Maintenance/Install and Update Software/Install Software" section

3. at input device copy and paste the folder path where the XF Ultrascale rpm resides.

4. press the "Enter" key



AIX packages are relocatable as of 2013.
The user must use the "rpm" command (which comes with the base operation system from AIX v5), in order to relocate the package.
To install and relocate in /usr/apps, for example, the following command must be run:



       rpm -i XFUltrascale-8.1.0-3523.aix6.1.ppc.rpm --relocate /opt=/usr/apps



What Is Included

The default installation folder is /opt/Ecrion/XFUltrascale.

The following tools and programs are installed under the Bin/ subfolder. Click on the hyperlinks for more information:


UDaemon - The XF Ultrascale 2013 Daemon.
Render - Console application that can process documents from command line (localhost only).
ULicUtil - License management tool for installing and activating licenses.
UCertManager - Certificate management tool for installing and uninstalling digital identities for PDF signing.
JURender - Console socket-based client for the Ultrascale server; needs Java Runtime Environment.


Server Commands:

To manually start the XF Ultrascale 2013 Server, the following command must be run:



       startsrc -s ultrascaled



To stop XF Ultrascale 2013 Server, the following command must be run:



       stopsrc -s ultrascaled






To uninstall XF Ultrascale 2013 Server for AIX, the next steps must be followed:

1. run the "smit" command

2. access the "Software Installation and Maintenance/Software Maintenance and Utilities/Remove Installed Software/"section

3. copy and then paste the relevant program name part from the package name.

Example: if the package's name is XFUltrascale-7.1.0-3453.aix6.1.ppc.rpm, the relevant part is XFUltrascale-7.1.0-3453

4. set the "Preview Only" option to "no" by navigating on it and pressing tab.

5. press the "Enter" key



Testing the installation:


Rendering a document using JURender:



       JURender -fo /opt/Ecrion/XFUltrascale/XML\ Samples/XSL-FO\ Test\ Suite/ -pdf /root/Barcodes.pdf



All command line utilities will accept –help to display examples of usage:



       JURender -help



To place the rendered output in the standard output the following command must be used:



       JURender -fo /opt/Ecrion/XFUltrascale/XML\ Samples/XSL-FO\ Test\ Suite/ -pdf stdout -parameters:loglevel=none






To list all the currently activated licenses the following command must be run:



       ULicUtil list



The easiest way to install and activate a license on Linux is to do it online. The following command must be run after receiving a license key:






If no internet connection is available, the license can be installed and activated offline by following the next steps:


Firstly, the license must be installed using the following command:






The program will generate an activation request. The activation request can be used to get an activation response in the client section at


To activate a license, the activation response generated in the client section must be used:



       ULicUtil activate -response XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX



To uninstall a license:






An uninstall request will be printed. This uninstall request can be used in the Customer Section at to release the license and use it on another computer.



Certificate management:


UCertManager is the certificate management tool used to install/uninstall public certificate/private key pairs (digital identities).


Here is a brief list of commands:


 List identifies:



       UCertManager list



The command will list all the identities from the container (index in the container, issuer and subject).


 Import PKCS#12



       UCertManager import pkcs12_file



The digital identity information is added to the container.


 Import a certificate/private key pair (PEM format):



       UCertManager mport -incert cert_file -inkey privkey_file



The digital identity information (the private key and its ownership certificate) is added to the container.


 Delete the digital identity with the given index in the container:



       UCertManager delete -entry index.



 Export the digital identity with the given index in the container into a PKCS#12 file:



       UCertManager export -entry index -out out_file.



Enabling Logging


To configure logging under Linux, the UDaemon configuration file located at /opt/Ecrion/Common/UDaemon.config must be edited (if the file does not exist, it must be first created).

To enable full logging, the following lines must be added at the end of the file:





After saving the file, the Ultrascale service must be restarted using the following command:



       /etc/init.d/ultrascaled restart



The server will start generating logs in the specified "Log" folder (in this case /opt/Ecrion/Common).

There are several logging levels to choose from, Debug being the most verbose.  The other options are: None(default), Normal, and All.


Engine Settings


To configure various engine parameters, the UDaemon configuration file located at /opt/Ecrion/Common/UDaemon.config must be edited (if the file does not exist, it must be first created).

The available settings can be found here.




The files provided by the rpm can be identified by running the command:



       "rpm -qlp XFUltrascale-8.1.0-3523.aix6.1.ppc.rpm"



vX.X.X-xxxx stands for current version and number of XF Ultrascale


The following paths will be displayed:







Server Templates


Server Templates are also available on Linux and can be found in the /opt/Ecrion/Common/Ecrion/ServerTemplates folder.

The next steps must be followed in order to add a local template as server template:

1. Access the /opt/Ecrion/Common/Ecrion/ServerTemplates folder.

2. Create a new folder (for example, "ServerApplicationSample"), then copy the template (for example, "SampleTemplate.xfd") and any additional resources in it (images, Building Blocks etc.).

3. Create a file named "Application.config" and insert the following line:






4. Restart the server

5. To test the created server application, use the following command:



       Render -xml xmlfile.xml -parameters:servertemplateid=ServerApplicationSample:SampleTemplate.xfd




The server template's id that will be used when rendering documents will be ServerApplicationSample:SampleTemplate.xfd