Use different page formats in the same document

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Sometimes, in the same document multiple page formats must be used in order to properly structure the data.



To better understand how multiple page formats can be used in a document an example is provided below.


1. Firstly, a document must be opened and a data source assigned.


2. The pagination dialog bar already displays a defined page template in the Layouts list - Letter Page. In the Pages list, a page set called Page Set can be seen, referencing Letter Page. This means that the page set is using a standard letter format.


3. First, a landscape page must be created. The following steps must be followed in order to create it:


       The user must right click on Layouts and select the New Page Layout option from the context menu.
       The new layout's name must be typed in: Landscape Page and after confirmation the Page Layout dialog will be displayed.
       The Letter Landscape page format must be selected and then the OK button.


The pagination sidebar must look like this:




4. Now the new layout can be used in the page set:


       The user must double click on the page set to modify it.
       In the Edit Page Set dialog, the user must select the Add button and then Landscape Page. For this example the condition will be set to Even Pages.


The dialog will look like the following:




The page set will no longer reference Letter Page, but must instead use a more complex page master, ComplexMaster1.


5. To observe the behaviour, the user must insert a few page breaks and notice the changes.