Insert the current page number related to the last page

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Sometimes the current page number and the total number of pages must be inserted into the document.



To display the page number on every page, it must be inserted in header or footer.

Also, a page count option is available in XF Designer.

To insert a page number or a page count, the Page Number or Page Count buttons located in the References group under the Insert tab must be selected.


Below there is an example provided, reflecting the usage of page number and page count inserted in footer region:


Design View:




Print Layout:





This can be also done from Text View mode too, by using fo:page-number and fo:page-number-citation:



       <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-after" font-size="12pt" font-family="Times">


                       <fo:page-number format="1"/>/<fo:page-number-citation format="1" ref-id="xf#theEnd"/>

