Manage Scripts

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Overview: This dialog can be used for defining user defined custom functions.


Accessing: To display the dialog, the Manage Scripts button located in the Template group under the Review tab must be selected.







Functions are defined within a script block which has the following properties:


Script language - predefined values are JScript, CSharp, VBScript, but any string value will be accepted.
Script content - written in the programming language specified by the user.
Namespace prefix - a string (any literal string will do) that prevents name conflicts. A document can have two functions with the same name in different namespaces. When calling a function in the Edit Expression dialog the namespace name must always be used (for example fo:computeAverage(1,2) instead of just computeAverage(1,2)).




All functions defined in this dialog box will be listed in "User defined function" group in the Edit Expression dialog.