XML Documents

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The XML editor implements full undo/redo support and syntax highlighting.

When the XML language is either XSL or XSL-FO the editor also provides support for autocomplete and autofill.


A picture exemplifying an XML Document is presented below.




There are multiple options available under the Home tab:


Document Views


This group displays the buttons which change the three types of views of XF Designer 2013. When working with a XML Document only the Text View option is enabled.






This group encapsulates the main operations that are used when dealing with data.

The buttons are: Paste, Cut and Copy.





This group provides basic Find/Replace features and the ability to word wrap the text so that it does not pass the window's right margin.






This group provides a button for displaying the XML code at 100% size.






The Xml group offers the user the ability to automatically check the syntax of the xml code, autoformat it so that it is easily readable, comment/uncomment a selected piece of code, optimize the text, assign a XML Stylesheet to the current document and also run the XSLT and display the results.






This group allows the user to generate or preview the output file created with XF Designer 2013.

The document can be previewed as PDF, AFP, XPS, PostScript, HTML, WordML, DOCX, PowerPoint, ePUB and Text.

Also the user can generate an XSLT or XSL-FO document and export the document in other formats.






This group holds the Switch Windows button which helps the user switch between the opened XF Designer 2013 windows.

The user can only switch between windows opened from the same XF Designer instance by accessing the New button located under the File tab or by pressing CTRL + N.

