Getting Started

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There are several resources that can help the user to get started with Ecrion Data Architect:


How To...

This section of the manual describes several common usage scenarios. For a quick tutorial on how to connect to a database and generate XML or Excel output, the Creating a Sample Diagram tutorial is available.


Data Architect Concepts

This section describes the types of objects involved when creating diagrams.


Working With Documents

Detailed description of all the elements used in a DAX job can be found under this section.




What are DAX Jobs?

Data Architect works with job files in DAX (Data Aggregation XML) or DAB (Database Output) format.

A DAX file contains rules and parameters that customize the process of retrieving data from the database and generating XML and Excel output file formats.

A DAB file contains rules  and parameters that customize the process of retrieving data from the database and generating SQL files, that contain the commands that must be run for the defined database.

There is no need for the user to know the format beforehand in order to work with it, but the code generated by Data Architect can be modified at any time, using the embedded text editor component.


DAX/DAB jobs can be automatically run, without user's intervention, by Data Aggregation Server (DAS). Also, the XML output files can be used as a data source by Ecrion XF Designer or Ecrion XF Rendering Server.