There are a few ways to Exclude a Widget from your dashboard.
Home Tab
1. Select the Widget you would like to Exclude.
Figure 1: The Won vs. Not Won chart has been selected in the dashboard.
2. Navigate to the Home Tab in the ribbon.
3. From the Layout group select the Exclude button.
Figure 2: The Exclude button highlighted in the ribbon.
4. You will be presented with a warning from here you can either select Exclude to have the Widget added to the Include list, or you can select Delete to remove the Widget from the dashboard altogether.
Layout Tab
1. Select the Widget you would like to Exclude.
Figure 3: The Won vs. Not Won chart has been selected in the dashboard.
2. Navigate to the Layout Tab in the ribbon.
3. From the Widgets group select the Exclude button.
Figure 4: The Exclude button highlighted in the layout tab.
4. You will be presented with a warning from here you can either select Exclude to have the Widget added to the Include list, or you can select Delete to remove the Widget from the dashboard altogether.